Category Archives: Conflict

Practical skills and insights for people dealing with conflict and anger in relationships.

Why Do People Get Angry?

Clients tell me that when they feel disrespected or treated rudely – they get angry. Often, they experience anger when they feel helpless or when goals are blocked. An important fact about anger is that the amygdala (emotional center) in … Continue reading

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Defusing Anger…

Did you know you can actually help drain someone else’s anger! King Solomon wrote a Proverb (15:1): “A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.” Giving a gentle answer worked for Gideon – a righteous … Continue reading

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Worry Turned into Anger….

Question: Hi,  I’ve always had somewhat of a nasty temper. Over the years I thought I had controlled it. Mostly due to hanging with someone who had a horrible temper too, so in order to be not like him I … Continue reading

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Anger at Work….

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I don’t really know where to begin… I’m 22. I work at a daycare, and each day I take care of between 6-10 children from age of 7 mo. – 1 year 4 mo. It is stressful. The kids cry … Continue reading

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Pent-Up Anger…

Question: When we talk about anger, I always remember a few situations, and wonder – did I do wrong or good? In every situation, I am trying to stay calm and after that what happens with the anger? I think … Continue reading

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Dealing with Anger & Guilt as a Christian

It seems that anger has gotten a bad rap in the Christian community. Most Christians have difficulty expressing anger and frustration without feeling guilty and preachers connote anger with sin. We know that anger was expressed in the Bible by … Continue reading

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Blind Rage…

Question: Hi, I haven’t been mad in a long time. I got my anger in control, until last night. My spouse withheld information, I being a survivor, felt completely manipulated. Is there such a thing as blind rage. Because I … Continue reading

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Managing Conflict in Relationships

Listen to the most recent Quick Tips for Managing Anger Podcast – Say No to Angry Clashes: Do you have problems with relationship conflicts? Do you often find yourself clamming up or fuming because people who disagree with you are disagreeable? Learn … Continue reading

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