Category Archives: Anger Management

FAQs, News and Advice on managing anger

Why Do People Get Angry?

Clients tell me that when they feel disrespected or treated rudely – they get angry. Often, they experience anger when they feel helpless or when goals are blocked. An important fact about anger is that the amygdala (emotional center) in … Continue reading

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Anger and Self-awareness

What makes you angry? Disrespect, loud noises, unfriendly, self-centered people, put-downs, rude behavior, people who break the rules? Anger is normal and it is an energy which can help you accomplish goals. But, if you can’t detect your anger in … Continue reading

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Defusing Anger…

Did you know you can actually help drain someone else’s anger! King Solomon wrote a Proverb (15:1): “A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.” Giving a gentle answer worked for Gideon – a righteous … Continue reading

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Improving Your Relationships

Strategies for Successful Relationships © copyright 2023 Lynette Hoy, NCC, LCPC, CAMS-V As we look at relationships today we have to ask: what has gone wrong? From work conflicts to child abuse to aggression in society, we watch as rage, betrayal, seduction … Continue reading

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Can’t Let Go of Anger

Question: Basically one of those little things happen where somebody is rude or whatever, and I cannot it go, it bothers me forever. And in most cases, I’ve done nothing wrong, and I should just be able to go, “Wow, … Continue reading

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Can’t Get Rid of the Rage!

Question: Hi , I am really worried people close to me say I need help. This is why. I take things so personally things people do say or decisions they make. It really makes me angry! I think the way … Continue reading

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Suffering, Evil and Anger

Question: Dear Counselor: I cannot understand why God allows tragedies such as school shootings, abuse of children, wars, and disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, earthquakes and more. If God is so good, why does/did He allow good people and Christians … Continue reading

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Worry Turned into Anger….

Question: Hi,  I’ve always had somewhat of a nasty temper. Over the years I thought I had controlled it. Mostly due to hanging with someone who had a horrible temper too, so in order to be not like him I … Continue reading

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