What are some of the mental health conditions which could cause major anger symtoms?
For adults: Substance Use Disorders; Mood Disorders;
Intermittent Explosive Disorder; PTSD; Other Anxiety Disorder
Adolescents: Attention Deficit Disorder; Conduct Disorder; Oppositional – Defiant; Tourette’s.
Other underlying issues could include personality disorders and physical conditions such as: Hormonal Disturbance; Epilepsy;
Diabetes; Strokes; Tumor; Head Injury, etc.
Anger management education can be helpful for anyone who is serious about changing. But, if someone is struggling with these other issues – they should seek a professional evaluation, counseling and sometimes a physical exam.
See: www.nbcc.org for a counseling directory.
Lynette J. Hoy, NCC, LCPC
Diplomate, AAAMP; President, CounselCare Connection, P.C.
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