Category Archives: Anger Management

FAQs, News and Advice on managing anger

Anger at Work….

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I don’t really know where to begin… I’m 22. I work at a daycare, and each day I take care of between 6-10 children from age of 7 mo. – 1 year 4 mo. It is stressful. The kids cry … Continue reading

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Forgiveness is Possible!

When we are working through anger — it always brings up questions about forgiveness. Why? Because anger feels justified. Anger is a moral emotion.  We want remuneration. We want recognition for what we have lost or consolation for how we … Continue reading

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Pent-Up Anger…

Question: When we talk about anger, I always remember a few situations, and wonder – did I do wrong or good? In every situation, I am trying to stay calm and after that what happens with the anger? I think … Continue reading

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Dealing with Anger & Guilt as a Christian

It seems that anger has gotten a bad rap in the Christian community. Most Christians have difficulty expressing anger and frustration without feeling guilty and preachers connote anger with sin. We know that anger was expressed in the Bible by … Continue reading

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Blind Rage…

Question: Hi, I haven’t been mad in a long time. I got my anger in control, until last night. My spouse withheld information, I being a survivor, felt completely manipulated. Is there such a thing as blind rage. Because I … Continue reading

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Managing Conflict in Relationships

Listen to the most recent Quick Tips for Managing Anger Podcast – Say No to Angry Clashes: Do you have problems with relationship conflicts? Do you often find yourself clamming up or fuming because people who disagree with you are disagreeable? Learn … Continue reading

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The Anger – Trust Connection

The Anger-Trust Connection podcast by Lynette J. Hoy, NCC, LCPC How can you rebuild trust when you are angry with someone? Is there any hope? What needs to happen to break the cycle of anger and distrust? Here are some … Continue reading

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Breaking Out of Anger… Have you ever wondered what causes anger to rear it’s ugly head so quickly?  In our books I have talked about how expectations, self-talk and choices trigger and amplify anger. Anger is ultimately a physiological and … Continue reading

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