Category Archives: Conflict

Practical skills and insights for people dealing with conflict and anger in relationships.

Chronic Anger Syndrome…

Question: I’ve been reading the Chronic anger symptoms and found a lot of identical things that often happens to me. Lately I’ve been in a real storm with my parents and some other people where slight problems often caused me … Continue reading

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Anger and Guilt

Question: Does anyone one else feel guilty about expressing their anger no matter how justified ? I`m very laid back and some people take advantage. However, if I reach my limit and express my anger, I end up apologizing for … Continue reading

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Strategies for Successful Relationships… 5/1/18

      Managing Conflict – Part One © copyright 2018 If you’re a living, breathing human-being, you will have conflict. The only people who don’t are dead. If you have an opinion on anything you will disagree with someone … Continue reading

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News: What’s Good About Anger program is ‘evidence-based’…

I talked with Dr. Jim Bedell today. He said that the outcome studies he has completed so far show that the What’s Good About Anger program is ‘evidence-based’. The pre and post tests have been statistically significant in about the … Continue reading

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Anger Management Podcast by Rev. Ric Hardison

Listen to this Podcast on Anger Management from WCHS Radio 58 – ASK THE EXPERT – with one of our own Certified Anger Management Trainer/Specialists:  West Virginia Rev. Ric Hardison, LPC, BCPCC, CAMS-I KANAWHA PASTORAL COUNSELING CENTER Charleston, WV 25301 … Continue reading

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When We Stop Playing Games by Ray Pritchard

The call came from an old friend, someone I have known for over 40 years. His marriage was in serious trouble, and more importantly, he saw clearly that unless he changed from the inside out, what happened to his marriage … Continue reading

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Envy, Anger and Forgiveness

Listen to this new podcast by Pastor Ray Pritchard: Envy, Anger and Forgiveness!  For more resources visit Lynette J. Hoy, NCC, LCPC, CAMS-IV CounselCare Connection, P.C. – Anger Management Institute 2000 Spring Road, Suite 603 – Oak Brook, IL 60523 … Continue reading

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How to Measure Emotional Intelligence…

Some Anger Management Trainers/Professionals and Specialists would like to assess the EI of their clients. The Conover company and the Hay Group (Daniel Goleman) offer EI assessment. I don’t use Conover because of the expense and the complexity.  Trainers might find the Hay … Continue reading

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